

Historical study at Bosvigo is based on five connected concepts:

  • The role of evidence and evaluating interpretations of History;
  • Assessing significance;
  • Change and continuity;
  • Similarity and difference; 
  • Questioning cause and consequences

Pupils will be taught that historical study itself has changed. History is not merely a series of uncontested facts and events but a matter of debate with many viewpoints to explore. Pupils will understand and appreciate that curiosity and critical thinking are essential tools for historians. Skilfully framing questions, delving deeper through historical enquiry and looking at different perspectives are important skills pupils will be taught across the key stages. Pupils will develop a sound knowledge of chronology, of historical periods and knowledge of local, national and international events. Understanding the past and constantly evaluating it helps pupils to become knowledgeable future citizens. It is our intention to foster a love of History as an academic discipline with huge relevance to the modern world and its future development.


History skills are embedded within all history lessons and developed throughout their journey of the History curriculum. By the end of their primary education pupils at Bosvigo will:

  • Have a chronological understanding of British history from the Stone Age to the present day.
  • Be able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives.
  • Be knowledgeable about world history such as the ancient civilisations of Greece and the Golden Age of Baghdad.

Pupils learn through enquiry-based learning opportunities to understand the role of a Historian and through quality texts to support the knowledge base they are required to draw upon. Teachers plan and deliver informative and purposeful teaching and learning opportunities, which take into account prior learning. Teachers will plan for opportunities for formative and summative assessments and identify suitable next steps.


We use a variety of strategies to evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that our children have gained in each half-termly unit. These include:

  • Regular low stakes knowledge assessments, using a range of creative approaches
  • Applying the school’s marking and feedback policy to good effect
  • Unit reviews with phase teams and subject leaders
  • Listening to pupil voice
  • Subject monitoring, which includes lesson visits and book looks


To further develop cultural capital and deepen their understanding of the History curriculum, Bosvigo offers pupils a wide range of experiences outside of the classroom environment. These opportunities are designed to develop pupils’ learning and their cultural understanding of the world around them. We make the most of our local history, for example, by visiting The Truro Museum and areas of Historical interest such as the Coinage Hall, but we also invite Historical experts in to bring units alive such as The Romans and The Vikings.

Please click on the link below to take a look at our whole school curriculum overview and concept progression for History.