At Bosvigo School, children develop a digital literacy through an ambitious curriculum: broadening their horizons and opening their mind to the possibilities offered by computing. We plan the experience that builds appropriately as children develop from the early years. They are encouraged to use computational thinking and logic to understand programming languages - what is being done and why.
Bosvigo children become ever-more confident to grasp the opportunities open to them. They build their knowledge and understanding of how technologies work through enquiry and experimentation that is designed to be enjoyable.
A Bosvigo child uses technologies effectively as tools for learning and to become active participants in the digital world - creating things and expressing themselves. They are aware of the balance needed to acquire a broad experience alongside opportunities to have fun while knowing when to keep themselves and others safe.
Like many schools, our scheme of work is adapted from the ‘Teach Computing’ Curriculum. Created by subject experts and based on the latest pedagogical research, it provides an innovative progression framework covering all aspects of the National Curriculum. We also rely on the work of Barefoot computing - particularly in early years. Adding to this, we at Bosvigo School have created many or our own imaginative units that either complement or supplement some aspect of the curriculum that we already feel that we do better.
Bosvigo children build online resilience through the use of the ‘Project Evolve – Education for a Connected World’ framework. This Framework is supplemented by the use of the Common-Sense Education Scheme and other leading platforms. The activities empower learners to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world.
We provide a number of enrichment opportunities as extra-curricular clubs that give the opportunity to dig as deep as the individual wants: providing all children with access to Block Coding (block coding provides a graphical approach to coding where pupils drag and drop events, objects and actions to make things happen in a program, progressing to building their own games), Python and HTML learning from the Raspberry Pi Code Club projects (we are the first and longest running Raspberry Pi Code Club in the UK and probably the world being first in line to subscribe to the new programme). We are also leading the engagement into STEP facilitated by the Lego League Programme and we are an early subscriber to the ECO-Sensor Project run by Cornwall Council.
Bosvigo children never work alone in computing - like learning any language “two heads are better than one”. Supported in this way, they are able to enquire, experiment and enjoy computing together. Bosvigo children showcase and celebrate their work - creating evidence of their progression that is reviewed and considered alongside their peers. We are developing how we assess and review pupil’s knowledge and are planning a global school system - using digital tools such as Google Classroom and Seesaw. In addition, we plan to consider all children’s progression through ongoing dialogue (asking why as well as how) engaging in ongoing discussions about the curriculum we offer so that the experience of the individual can be best understood and improvements in our offer made.