
At Bosvigo School we believe the ability to write is one of the fundamental skills needed to ensure a child’s life chances are enhanced; we view it as a vital gatekeeper for successful learning across all other subjects.
In Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, we strive to not only teach the children the basics but build on prior learning at an appropriate pace. We teach children how to orally rehearse a sentence before writing and to reread their work to check it makes sense. The children write stories linked to high-quality texts they have read in class and participate in daily handwriting sessions.
In Key Stage 2, we have based our approach on "The Write Stuff" by Jane Considine to bring clarity to the mechanics of writing.  "The Write Stuff" follows a method called "Sentence Stacking" which refers to the fact that sentences are stacked together chronologically and organised to engage children with short, intensive moments of learning that they can then immediately apply to their own writing.
The marking and feedback policy at Bosvigo helps children to identify what they have done well and what they could improve on. Children then have the opportunity to respond to the marking to further improve their work.