
Our vision:

At Bosvigo School, our vision is to ignite children’s curiosity and sense of wonder and enable them to confidently explore and discover the world around them both within their locality and further afield, developing a deeper understanding of the world and inspiring them to foster a thirst for knowledge.

We aim to achieve this through:

  • Practical hands-on experiences and an enjoyable curriculum

  • Child-led investigations and scientific enquiry

  • Stimulating, purposeful learning experiences



At Bosvigo we are dedicated to providing a high-quality science curriculum which enables our children to confidently explore and discover the world around them whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them think scientifically and develop a sense of understanding and wonder.

We are committed to providing fun and stimulating lessons that engage and challenge the children and nurture their natural curiosity and encourage a respect for living organisms and the physical environment.

Our curriculum gives children the opportunity, through themes and investigations, to progressively deepen their knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts, skills and knowledge.

This enables children to become enquiry-based learners encouraging them to question, test and predict results giving critical evaluation of evidence and rational explanation.

All children will be provided with a broad and balanced science curriculum which reflects our equality and diversity policies.



Our approach to science is currently being updated to support our vision for the subject. Teachers will create a positive attitude to science learning within their classrooms and reinforce the belief that all pupils are capable of being excellent scientists and reaching a high standard in the subject.

Science is planned and taught progressively throughout all key stages. Medium terms plans are being rewritten by the subject leader following the National Curriculum program of study 2014.

Teachers will plan engaging and inspiring lessons where high-quality, real-life resources are used wherever possible.

Teachers will use precise questioning to test conceptual knowledge and skills and assess pupils after each lesson to identify gaps in their learning. Greater depth children are also identified and this way and suitably challenged to extend their learning.

Curiosity is celebrated with in the classroom and children are encouraged to ask their own questions about the learning and given opportunities to use their scientific skills to research and discover answers.

Science is taught as a discreet subject and recorded in science books and on the platform ‘Seesaw’ where parents and carers can also access their children’s work.

Through our progressive curriculum we ensure children build on previous knowledge and skills and connect learning to real-life experiences to improve science capital including our additional units on sustainability and climate change.



The successful approach to teaching and learning at Bosvigo School results in a fun, engaging and high quality progressive science curriculum that lays firm foundations for understanding the world.  All children have a wider variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding, and scientific enquiry and investigation skills.

They Children develop a richer vocabulary enabling them to question and reflect as well as articulate their understanding of taught concepts.

With increased awareness of science capital children see science as important and have high aspirations, which will see them through to further study, work and a successful adult life.

Children at Bosvigo overwhelmingly enjoy science and this results in motivated learning with sound scientific understanding.



Our engagement with the local environment ensures that children learn through varied and first hand experiences of the world around them. Frequent and progressive learning outside the classroom is embedded throughout the science curriculum. Through various workshops, trips and interactions with experts, pupils have a growing understanding of how science has changed our lives and that it is vital to the world’s future. Pupils learn about different science careers and as a result of our links with parents the wider community and national agencies such as STEM association, they learn from and work with professionals ensuring access to positive role models from a range of different scientific backgrounds.  

Please click on the links below to take a look at our progression maps for building scientific knowledge and working scientifically.